
What is HydroDiscectomy?

HydroDiscectomy is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that uses a high-speed water stream to remove herniated disc tissue, relieving the nerve pressure that causes back and leg pain.

What Are the Benefits of the SpineJet HydroDiscectomy Treatment?

  • It’s an outpatient procedure that requires no hospitalization
  • It offers fast recovery so you can return to work quickly
  • There is less pain
  • No bone is removed
  • There is no trauma to your back muscles or surrounding tissue
  • No general anesthesia is needed
  • It’s a clinically proven procedure!

What can I expect from HydroDiscectomy? Before the Procedure

  • Dr. Colon may perform x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT scan) to determine the location and severity of your herniated disc.
  • You may need to avoid certain medications and herbal remedies before your procedure. Dr. Colon will advise you about what to avoid.

During the Procedure

  • HydroDiscectomy is performed using a fluoroscope, a machine that projects live x-ray images onto a monitor. Dr. Colon uses these images as a guide for placing the SpineJet device within the spinal disc without making a large incision.
  • The procedure is usually performed using a local anesthetic so you remain awake.
  • Your physician will insert the SpineJet by dilating through the fibers of the disc wall.
  • Once the device is in place, the water-jet works to quickly remove the herniated disc tissue.
  • The entire procedure takes only 20 to 30 minutes.